Crime Mystery Drama
Private detective and former football player Harry Moseby gets hired on to what seems a standard missing person case, as a former Hollywood actress whose only major roles came thanks to being married to a studio mogul wants Moseby to find and return her daughter. Harry travels to Florida to find her, but he begins to see a connection between the runaway girl, the world of Hollywood stuntmen, and a suspicious mechanic when an unsolved murder comes to light.
Directed by
Arthur Penn
Written by
Alan Sharp
Melanie Griffith
Delilah "Delly" Grastner
James Woods
Gene Hackman
Harry Moseby
John Crawford
Tom Iverson
Kenneth Mars
Max Gail
Harris Yulin
Marty Heller
Ted Grossman
Edward Binns
Joey Ziegler
Dennis Dugan
Susan Clark
Ellen Moseby
Jennifer Warren
Chuck Hicks
Louie Elias
Carey Loftin
Janet Ward
Arlene Iverson
Anthony Costello
Marv Ellman
Ben Archibek
C.J. Hincks
Susan Barrister
Ticket Clerk
Larry Mitchell
Ticket Clerk
Rick Lockwood
Richard Hackman

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