Drama Romance
Kate Soffel is married to a prison warden in Pittsburgh, and is the mother of their four children. Ed Biddle is a convicted murderer awaiting execution on death row with his brother Jack. When Kate meets Eddie through her Bible readings to the prisoners, she is drawn to him, and they pursue a clandestine relationship. She agrees to help the brothers escape, and begins a treacherous journey with them to freedom in Canada.
Directed by
Gillian Armstrong
Written by
Ron Nyswaner
Mel Gibson
Ed Biddle
Diane Keaton
Kate Soffel
Terry O'Quinn
Detective Buck McGovern
Edward Herrmann
Warden Peter Soffel
Trini Alvarado
Irene Soffel
Wayne Robson
Matthew Modine
Jack Biddle
Harley Cross
Clarence Soffel
A.C. Peterson
Guard (uncredited)
James Bradford
Pippa Pearthree
Maury Chaykin
Guard Charlie Reynolds
Dana Wheeler-Nicholson
Jessie Bodyne
Valerie Buhagiar
Jennifer Dundas
Margaret Soffel
Danny Corkill
Eddie Soffel
Paula Trueman
Mrs. Stevenson
Frank Adamson
John Innes
Reporter (uncredited)
William Duell
Dan Lett
Young Man (uncredited)
David Fox
Walter Massey
District Attorney
Samantha Follows
Becky Knotts
Philip Craig
Kay Hawtrey
Peter's Secretary (uncredited)
Sean Sullivan
Len Doncheff
Polish Guard (uncredited)
Norma Dell'Agnese
Woman Reporter
William Youmans
Guard George Koslow
Joyce Ebert
Matron Agnes Garvey
Les Rubie
Mr. Stevenson
Nancy Chesney
Mrs. Fitzgerald
Katie McCombs
Rachel Garvey
Linda Gabler
Leota Yoeders
Eric Hebert
Tom Harvey
Attorney Burke
Jack Jessop
Attorney Watson
John Dee
Old Prisoner
J. Winston Carroll
Guard McGarey
Fred Booker
Al Koslik
Don Granbery
Linda Carola
Factory Girl
George Belskey
Mr. Bodyne
Maruska Stankova
Mrs. Bodyne
Charles Jolliffe
Sheriff Hoon
Rodger Barton
Deputy Hoon
Jack Mather
Mr. Watson
Lee-Max Walton
Warren Van Evera
David Barckhoff
Boy on a Sidewalk (uncredited)
David Huckvale
Russian Twin (uncredited)
Douglas Huckvale
Russian Twin (uncredited)
Derek Keurvorst
Reporter (uncredited)
Lou Pitoscia
Prisoner (uncredited)
Gerry Tucker
Policeman (uncredited)
Brian Young
McNeil's Secretary (uncredited)
Don McManus
Reporter (uncredited)

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