Action Drama War
At the onset of World War II, American Lt. Col. Robert Frederick is put in charge of a unit called the 1st Special Service Force, composed of elite Canadian commandos and undisciplined American soldiers. With Maj. Alan Crown leading the Canadians and Maj. Cliff Bricker the acting head of the American contingent, there is initial tension -- but the team comes together when given a daunting mission that few would dare to attempt.
Directed by
Andrew V. McLaglen
Cliff Robertson
Major Alan Crown
Jeremy Slate
Sgt. Pat O'Neill
Dana Andrews
Brig. Gen. Walter Naylor
Claude Akins
Pvt. Rocky Rockman
Tom Stern
Capt. Cardwell
Richard Jaeckel
Pvt. Omar Greco
Michael Rennie
Lt. Gen. Mark Clark
Harry Carey, Jr.
Capt. Rose
Jack Watson
Cpl. Peacock
William Holden
Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick
Andrew Prine
Pvt. Theodore Ransom
Richard Dawson
Pvt. Hugh MacDonald
Norman Alden
MP Lieutenant
Carroll O'Connor
Maj. Gen. Maxwell Hunter
Bill Fletcher
Pvt. Bronc Guthrie
Luke Askew
Pvt. Hubert Hixon
Vince Edwards
Major Cliff Bricker
Tom Troupe
Pvt. Al Manella
Maggie Thrett
Hal Needham
The Sergeant
Alix Talton
Miss Arnold
Wilhelm von Homburg
Don Megowan
Luke Phelan
Patric Knowles
Adm. Lord Mountbatten
Patrick Waltz
Gen. Hunter's Aide
Gretchen Wyler
The Lady of Joy
Dick Simmons
Gen. Bixby
Jean-Paul Vignon
Pvt. Henri Laurent
David Pritchard
Cpl. Coker
Paul Busch
The German Captain
Paul Hornung
The Lumberjack
Gene Fullmer
The Bartender
Rita Rogers
Miss Tilda Kleinschmidt
Alan Caillou
Gen. Marlin
Jerry Gatlin
Karl-Otto Alberty
German Soldier (uncredited)

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