Comedy Romance
Beautiful, workaholic Bo-hee is a successful marketing executive at the number one toy company in Korea. Respected by her colleagues and in line for a promotion, she makes an irrevocable mistake that gets her fired from her job. Bo-hee's life further spins out of control when her husband Gang-sung leaves her soon after. Bo-hee is befriended by her neighbor Nan-hee, an amateur sex expert who runs a sex shop on the brink of bankruptcy called "Casa Amor." Nan-hee's predicament inspires Bo-hee's creativity, and using her background in children's toys, she is determined to save the shop by making its ambiance more refined and by promoting better sex toys.
Directed by
Jung Bum-shik
Written by
Jung Bum-shik
Oh Na-ra
Soo-beom's wife
Cho Yeo-jeong
Baek Bo-hee
Kim Yeong-ok
Yun Hee-jang
Ra Mi-ran
Eum Soon-ok
Clara Lee
Oh Nan-hee
Go Kyung-pyo
Kim Tae-woo
Koo Gang-sung
Bae Sung-woo
Suk Soo-beom
Kim Ki-cheon
President Jang
Kim Bo-yeon
Mrs. Yoon Gwan-soon
Lee Kyu-ho
Toy N Joy staff
Park Ji-yeon
Lee Jae-gu
Nan Hee's father
Julien Kang
Nan Hee's boyfriend
Park Jung-pyo
Villa worker
Bae Yoo-ram
Toy N Joy staff
Kim Yeol
Casa Amor staff
Lee Min-ah
Hong Ji-young
Ladies experiment
Lee Sun-hee
Kang Chul-sung
Taxi driver
Kim Yoon-joo
Evil woman
Lee Tae-geom
Soccer referee
Kim Jung-soo
Board member
Lee Tae-hyeong
Apartment security guard
Jeon Hyun-suk
Choi Jeong-hyun
Lee San-ho
Apartment securityg guard
Jung Seo-in
Joo Yoo-Rang
Human cultural asset
Kim Ha-yoo
Goo Ha-yoo
Shin Min Soo
Food cart man
Choi Young-shin
Casa Amor staff
Park Sung-jin
Fairground police

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