Drama Comedy
Shigeo is released from prison and immediately beaten up by some old associates, which results in him losing his memory. Kasumi, who just by chance happens to be the manager of a band, takes him in and discovers his talent for singing.
Directed by
Nobuhiro Yamashita
Fumi Nikaido
Kasumi Sato
Izumi Matsuoka
Noriko Omori
Shohei Uno
Toshiyuki Omori
Takashi Noguchi
Kotaro Sato
Takumi Matsuzawa
Suon Kan
Store Owner / Homeless / Tsukada / Kazuo Omori
Sarina Suzuki
Subaru Shibutani
Shigeo Omori / Pochi Man
Katsumi Kawahara
Haruki Nakagawa
Police Officer

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