Family Animation Comedy
The Peanuts gang, including Snoopy and Woodstock, have gone off to summer camp. After a few days of the usual summer-camp activities, they all take part in a rafting race. Battling treacherous rapids, wild animals and bullies from a rival tent, the teams make their way downriver to the finish line.
Directed by
Phil Roman, Bill Melendez
Written by
Charles M. Schulz
Michelle Stacy
Melanie Kohn
Lucy van Pelt
Duncan Watson
Charlie Brown
Gail Davis
Sally Brown
Liam Martin
Linus van Pelt
Stuart Brotman
Peppermint Patty
Jimmy Ahrens
Greg Felton
Schroeder / Camp Announcer
Tom Muller
Bully #1
Kirk Jue
Bully #2
Jordan Warren
Bully #3
Joseph Biter

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