Mystery Crime Thriller
The story takes place in occupied Korea at the start of the 20th century, where a young student in medicine discovers the murdered body of the son of a government official. Being scared of being accused, he decides to hire Hong Jin-ho (a detective) to help him find the murderer before the police accuse him of the murder.
Directed by
Park Dae-min
Written by
Lee Young-jong, Park Dae-min
Kim Hyang-gi
Yoon Je-moon
Kim Byung-chul
Assistant Officer
Hwang Jung-min
Hong Jin-ho
Jeong Gyu-su
Editor in Chief
Yoo Seung-mok
One-Armed Man
Park Jin-woo
Police Officer
Oh Dal-su
Oh Yeong-dal
Song Jae-ho
Min Chi-sung
Kim Eung-soo
Yoshioka Minchi
Uhm Hyo-seop
General Murata
Kim Ki-cheon
Uhm Ji-won
Kwon Tae-won
Police Commissioner
Jo Young-jin
Korean Emperor
Choi Jong-ryul
Soon-deok's Father-in-Law
Seo Dong-soo
Fat Man
Ryu Deok-hwan
Jang Gwang-soo
Oh Tae-kyung
Min Soo-hyun
Song Yo-sep
Son Young-soon
One-Armed Man's Mother
Bae Geon-sik
Male chief delegate
Joo Ah-reum
Kim Seo-won
Bae Jun-wu
Police Officer
Ha Jin-soo
Herbal Doctor
Son Byeong-uk

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