Action Adventure Drama
A ruthless pack of thugs force mild-mannered, caught-in-the-middle-of-something-bigger Nami to murder her fiance's sister, decidedly ruining her pending marriage and landing the poor girl in the most brutal women's prison ever seen. Inside the hellblocks, she decides to stop being a victim at all costs, and ends up becoming stronger and even more vicious than the craziest inmates in the pen. She eventually escapes in a most unusual way, gets valuable fight training from a mysterious mountain man and returns to the streets in order to make the thugs who ruined her life pay.
Directed by
Joe Ma
Written by
Joe Ma
Simon Yam
Corpse Collector
Miki Mizuno
Nami Matsushima
Ryo Ishibashi
Bruce Leung
Sam Lee
Lam Suet
Dylan Kuo
Hei Tei
Emme Wong Yi-Man
Sen Sou
Peggy Tseng
Nana Natsume
Fire Lee Ka-Wing
Cat Lo Siu-Yi
Booby Cat
Wong Wai-Fai

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