Drama History TV Movie
The behind-the-scenes true life story of a groundbreaking producer, Milton Fruchtman, and blacklisted TV director Leo Hurwitz who, overcoming enormous obstacles, set out to capture the testimony of one of the war's most notorious Nazis, Adolf Eichmann, who is accused of executing the 'final solution' and organising the murder of 6 million Jews. This is the extraordinary story of how the trial came to be televised and the team that made it happen.
Directed by
Paul Andrew Williams
Written by
Simon Block
Martin Freeman
Milton Fruchtman
Anthony LaPaglia
Leo Hurwitz
Andy Nyman
David Landor
Rebecca Front
Mrs Landau
Justin Salinger
David Arad
Samuel West
Ian Porter
NY Times Journalist
Vaidotas Martinaitis
Adolf Eichmann
Ed Birch
Millek Knebel
Morwenna Banks
Female Translator (voice)
Nicholas Woodeson
Yaakov Jonilowicz
Anna-Louise Plowman
Jane Hurwitz
Ben Lloyd-Hughes
Alan Rosenthal
Zora Bishop
Eva Fruchtman
Dylan Edwards
Roy Sedwell
Solomon Mousley
Ben Addis
Ron Huntsman
Caroline Bartleet
Judy Gold
Nathaniel Gleed
Tommy Hurwitz
Nell Mooney
NY Times Journalist’s Wife

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