Drama Mystery Romance
Attorney Anthony Keane agrees to represent Londonite Mrs. Paradine, who has been fingered in her husband's murder. From the start, the married lawyer is drawn to the enigmatic beauty, and he begins to cast about for a way to exonerate his client. Keane puts the Paradine household servant on the stand, suggesting he is the killer. But Keane soon loses his way in the courtroom, and his half-baked plan sets off a stunning chain of events.
Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
Gregory Peck
Anthony Keane
Isobel Elsom
Alida Valli
Mrs. Paradine
Arthur Tovey
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Leo G. Carroll
Sir Joseph
Charles Coburn
Sir Simon Flaquer
Charles Laughton
Judge Lord Thomas Horfield
Ethel Barrymore
Lady Sophie Horfield
Louis Jourdan
Andre Latour
Ann Todd
Gay Keane
Bert Stevens
Barrister in Courtroom (uncredited)
Kenner G. Kemp
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Joan Tetzel
Judy Flaquer
Harry 'Snub' Pollard
Cabby (uncredited)
Colin Kenny
Juror (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)

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