Western Action
Karl Westover, an inexperienced farm boy, runs away after unintentionally killing a neighbor, whose family pursues him for vengeance. He meets Barbarosa, a gunman of near-mythical proportions, who is himself in danger from his father-in-law Don Braulio, a wealthy Mexican rancher. Don Braulio wants Barbarosa dead for marrying his daughter against the father's will. Barbarosa reluctantly takes the clumsy Karl on as a partner, as both of them look to survive the forces lining up against them.
Directed by
Fred Schepisi
Written by
William D. Wittliff
Gary Busey
Karl Westover
Gilbert Roland
Don Braulio
Willie Nelson
Isela Vega
Danny De La Paz
George Voskovec
Herman Pahmeyer
Alma Martinez
Howland Chamberlain

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