Horror Thriller Mystery
A masked serial killer with psychosexual issues strangles female coeds with scarves before dismembering them. When a wealthy student identifies one of the scarves and thinks she has a lead on a suspect, she becomes the killer's next target, retreating to her family's remote cliffside villa with three of her girlfriends.
Directed by
Sergio Martino
Renato Cestiè
Gianni Tomasso (child) (uncredited)
Suzy Kendall
Barbara Marzano
Hippie Dancer (uncredited)
Luc Merenda
John Richardson
Prof. Franz
Roberto Bisacco
Stefano Vanzi
Tina Aumont
Daniela Anselmi
Angela Covello
Vera Drudi
Stefano's Landlady (uncredited)
Vincenzo Crocitti
Delivery Man
Carlo Alighiero
Uncle Nino
Patrizia Adiutori
Florence Heineken
Ermelinda De Felice
Woman in Car with Roberto
Giuseppe Marrocco
Policeman at Crime Scene (uncredited)
Dolores Calò
Woman with Green Dress at University Exit (uncredited)
Luciano Bartoli
Motorcycle Guy #1
Alberto Sorrentino
Witness at Crime Scene (uncredited)
Giuseppe Terranova
Car Repairman
Ernesto Colli
Gianni Tomasso, the Scarf Vendor
Rosaria della Femmina
Carla Brait
Gianni Greco
Motorcycle Guy #2
Luciano De Ambrosis
Inspector Martino
Enrico DiMarco
Village Idiot
Giorgio Dolfin
Slim Boy in Village
Luca Bonicalzi
Truck Driver
Fausto Di Bella
John, Flo's Boyfriend
Osvaldo Natale
Policeman at Crime Scene (uncredited)

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