Drama Action Thriller Crime
After Faye and her psychotic boyfriend, Vince, successfully rob a mob courier, Faye decides to abscond with the loot. She heads to Reno, where she hires feckless private investigator Jack Andrews to help fake her death. He pulls the scheme off and sets up Faye with a new identity, only to have her skip out on him without paying. Jack follows her to Vegas and learns he's not the only one after her. Vince has discovered that she's still alive.
Directed by
John Dahl
Written by
David W. Warfield, John Dahl
Michael Madsen
Vince A. Miller
Val Kilmer
Jack Andrews
Joanne Whalley
Fay Forrester
Jon Gries
Alan Swayzie
Bibi Besch
Nick Dimitri
Michael Greene
Lt. Hendrix
Lee Wilkof
Big Jim
Joseph Carberry
Michael Sharrett
Tim the Motel Clerk
Pat Mulligan
Robert Schuch
Collection Agent #1
Duane Tucker
Collection Agent #2
Molly Flanegin
Gossipy Motel Clerk
Dominic Dinino
Rest Stop Little Boy
Daniel Dorse
Rest Stop Father
Roy Kieffer
Hilton Desk Clerk
Jim Boeke
Jeff LeBeau
James Henriksen
Victoria Hirsch
Ralph M. Cardinale
Jeri Arredondo
Wally Rose

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