Music Romance Drama Comedy
Despite her mother's objections, the naive young daughter of a show boat captain is thrust into the limelight as the company's new leading lady.
Directed by
James Whale
Irene Dunne
Magnolia Hawkes
Jack Mulhall
Selmer Jackson
Bobs Watson
Barbara Pepper
Charles Middleton
Sheriff Ike Vallon
E. E. Clive
Sir Arthur
Tiny Sandford
Brooks Benedict
Flora Finch
Hattie McDaniel
Charles Winninger
Cap'n Andy Hawkes
Stanley Fields
Mary Stewart
Queenie Smith
Ellie May Chipley
Helen Morgan
Julie LaVerne
Paul Robeson
Betty Brown
Dennis O'Keefe
Delmar Watson
Juanita Moore
Dorothy Granger
Monte Montague
Arthur Hohl
Clarence Muse
Allan Jones
Gaylord Ravenal
Tom Ricketts
Ernest Hilliard
Renee Whitney
J. Farrell MacDonald
Windy MacLaine
Donald Cook
Steve Baker
Donald Briggs
Harold Waldridge
Frank Mayo
Arthur Housman
Grace Cunard
Edmund Cobb
Harry Barris
Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson
Boonville man speaking film's first line
Lee Phelps
Marilyn Knowlden
Kim as a Child
Marilyn Harris
Lloyd Whitlock
Helen Westley
Parthenia "Parthy" Hawkes
Eddy Chandler
Sammy White
Frank Schultz
Forrest Stanley
Frank Whitson
Anna Demetrio
Charles C. Wilson
Mary Bovard
Elspeth Dudgeon
May Beatty
Al Ferguson
Helen Jerome Eddy
James P. Burtis
Isabel La Mal
Edward Peil Sr.
Maidel Turner
Sunnie O'Dea
Kim - at Sixteen
D'Arcy Corrigan
Francis X. Mahoney
Rubber Face
Maude Allen
Ricca Allen
William Alston
Barbara Bletcher
Daisy Bufford
Ann Bupp
Maxine Cook
J. Gunnis Davis
Helen Dickson
Jeanette Dickson
Kathleen Ellis
Artye Folz
June Glory
Helen Hayward
Matthew Jones
Jane Keckley
Jack Latham
Martha Merrill
Harold Nelson
Georgia O'Dell
George H. Reed
Donna Mae Roberts
Louise Robinson
Betty Roche
Alma Ross
Frances Turham
Lois Verner
Marguerite Warner
Billy Watson
Harry Watson
Charles Gorman

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