Action Adventure Animation Drama Family Fantasy
Kyuta, a boy living in Shibuya, and Kumatetsu, a lonesome beast from Jutengai, an imaginary world. One day, Kyuta forays into the imaginary world and, as he's looking for his way back, meets Kumatetsu who becomes his spirit guide. That encounter leads them to many adventures.
Directed by
Mamoru Hosoda
Written by
Mamoru Hosoda
Mamoru Miyano
Teenage Ichirohiko (voice)
Haru Kuroki
Young Ichirohiko (voice)
Kappei Yamaguchi
Teenage Jiromaru (voice)
Suzu Hirose
Kaede (voice)
Masahiko Tsugawa
Lord (voice)
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Iozen (voice)
Yo Oizumi
Tatara (voice)
Aoi Miyazaki
Young Kyuta (voice)
Koji Yakusho
Kumatetsu (voice)
Kumiko Aso
Kyuta's Mother (voice)
Shota Sometani
Teenage Kyuta (voice)
Lily Franky
Hyakushūbō (voice)
Sumire Morohoshi
Chico (voice)
Momoka Ohno
Young Jiromaru (voice)
Keishi Nagatsuka
Kyuta's Father (voice)

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