Comedy Romance
Ballet star Petrov arranges to cross the Atlantic aboard the same ship as the dancer and musical star he's fallen for but barely knows. By the time the ocean liner reaches New York, a little white lie has churned through the rumour mill and turned into a hot gossip item—that the two celebrities are secretly married.
Directed by
Mark Sandrich
Charlie Hall
Bartender (uncredited)
Ben Alexander
Evans (uncredited)
Pauline Garon
Fred Astaire
Ginger Rogers
Linda Keene
Rolfe Sedan
Ballet Master (uncredited)
Leonard Mudie
Waiter (uncredited)
Eric Blore
Cecil Flintridge
Eddie Hall
Man (uncredited)
Ann Shoemaker
Frank Moran
Process Server (uncredited)
Jerome Cowan
Arthur Miller
Matthew Boulton
Ship's Officer (uncredited)
Jack Rice
Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Charles Irwin
Fire Drill Steward (uncredited)
Alphonse Martell
Doorman (uncredited)
Sidney Bracey
First Steward (uncredited)
Torben Meyer
Show Producer (uncredited)
Jane Hamilton
Woman (uncredited)
Edward Everett Horton
Jeffrey Baird
Sherwood Bailey
Newsboy (uncredited)
Lew Kelly
Policeman at Jail (uncredited)
Charles Coleman
Policeman (uncredited)
William Burress
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Ketti Gallian
Lady Tarrington
Sam Hayes
Dispatcher (uncredited)
Dudley Dickerson
Engine Room Singer (uncredited)
Richard Tucker
Mr. Russell (uncredited)
Jean De Briac
Producer (uncredited)
Harry Bowen
Johnson (uncredited)
Marek Windheim
Ballet Master (uncredited)
Matty Roubert
Elevator Operator (uncredited)
William Brisbane
Jim Montgomery
Harriet Hoctor
Ballet Dancer
Monte Collins
Usher-Messenger (uncredited)
Henry Mowbray
Radio Officer (uncredited)
Norman Ainsley
Bartender (uncredited)
Douglas Gordon
Steward (uncredited)
Helena Grant
Passenger Starting Gossip (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Passenger Walking Dog (uncredited)
Tiny Jones
Flower Woman (uncredited)
Marie Marks
Woman (uncredited)
Vesey O'Davoren
Bartender (uncredited)
George Savidan
Errand Boy (uncredited)
Spencer Teakle
Pete Theodore
Linda's Dancing Partner (uncredited)
Sam Wren
Charlie (uncredited)
Emma Young
Tai (uncredited)

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