Adventure Drama Romance
Erstwhile childhood friends, Judah Ben-Hur and Messala meet again as adults, this time with Roman officer Messala as conqueror and Judah as a wealthy, though conquered, Israelite. A slip of a brick during a Roman parade causes Judah to be sent off as a galley slave, his property confiscated and his mother and sister imprisoned. Years later, as a result of his determination to stay alive and his willingness to aid his Roman master, Judah returns to his homeland an exalted and wealthy Roman athlete. Unable to find his mother and sister, and believing them dead, he can think of nothing else than revenge against Messala.
Directed by
Fred Niblo
John Barrymore
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Joan Crawford
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Gary Cooper
Roman Guard (uncredited)
Mary Pickford
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Myrna Loy
Slave Girl (uncredited)
Carmel Myers
Lionel Barrymore
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Colleen Moore
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Frank McGrath
Dorothy Gish
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Lillian Gish
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Kathleen Key
Clark Gable
Roman Guard (uncredited)
Carole Lombard
Slave Girl (uncredited)
Janet Gaynor
Slave Girl (uncredited)
Tom Tyler
Charioteer (uncredited)
Douglas Fairbanks
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
David Sharpe
Mitchell Lewis
Sheik Ilderim
Noble Johnson
Crowd Member (uncredited)
Dale Fuller
Ramon Novarro
Judah Ben-Hur
Rosita Garcia
Slave Girl (uncredited)
Frank Currier
Quintus Arrius
Betty Bronson
Marion Davies
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Leo White
Cliff Lyons
Charioteer (uncredited)
Winter Hall
Claire McDowell
Princess of Hur
John Gilbert
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Harold Lloyd
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Bill Elliott
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Charles Belcher
May McAvoy
Francis X. Bushman
Nigel De Brulier
Carlotta Monti
Slave Girl (uncredited)
Manuel Caballero
Roman Guard (uncredited)
Gilbert Clayton
Jacob Dance
Wealthy Man (uncredited)
William Donovan
Charioteer of Corinthian Bay Team (uncredited)
Ray Erlenborn
Harry Gordon
Centurion (uncredited)
Sid Grauman
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
William Green
Chariot Race Spectator (uncredited)
Claude Payton
Jesus Christ (uncredited)
Satini Pualoa
Extra (uncredited)
Leonora Summers
Christiane Yves
Hedonist (uncredited)
Allen Pomeroy

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