Drama Romance
In this melodrama filmed on location in Hawaii, a sugar plantation manager finds himself falling in love with a native girl, but instead of committing to her, he marries a socially prominent young woman from San Francisco. The spoiled girl does not easily adapt to the rigors of plantation life and she gets terribly bored. She is just about to give in to the romantic overtures of a persistent native when her former lover shows up. The husband gets jealous and is about to attack him when the wife sets fire to the cane field. The husband's native lover saves him from death. Afterward, his wife leaves to be with her old flame, and the manager is free to be with the woman he's loved all along.
Directed by
Lois Weber
Written by
Lois Weber, James Bodrero
Hardie Albright
Chandler Morris
Naomi Childers
Mrs. Cheney
David Newell
William Hawkes
Mona Maris
Virginia Cherrill
Lucille Cheney
Arthur Clayton
Robert R. Stephenson
Mac (as Bob Stevenson)
Whitney De Rahm
Nani Palsa
Kolimau Kamai
Kamaunani Achi
Mrs. Hale
Peter Lee Hyun
Nohill Naumu
Leilani's Father

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