Drama Horror Thriller
Dr. Génessier is riddled with guilt after an accident that he caused disfigures the face of his daughter, the once beautiful Christiane, who outsiders believe is dead. Dr. Génessier, along with accomplice and laboratory assistant Louise, kidnaps young women and brings them to the Génessier mansion. After rendering his victims unconscious, Dr. Génessier removes their faces and attempts to graft them on to Christiane's.
Directed by
Georges Franju
Written by
Pierre Gascar
Alida Valli
Claude Brasseur
René Génin
Emile Tessot
Juliette Mayniel
Edna Gruber
Pierre Brasseur
Doctor Génessier
Béatrice Altariba
Paulette Mérodon
Alexandre Rignault
Inspector Parot
Marcel Pérès
Man at the Cemetery
Lucien Hubert
Man at the Cemetery
Édith Scob
Christiane Génessier
Michel Etcheverry
Dr. Lherminier
Charles Blavette
Man from the Pond
François Guérin
Jacques Vernon
Yvette Etiévant
Brigitte Juslin
Juliette (uncredited)

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