Action Comedy
Brash NYC policeman Officer Gunther Toody is partnered with stiff, by-the-book Officer Francis Muldoon to protect an important mafia witness prior to testifying against orgainzed crime in Brooklyn, all the while dealing with their personal lives, overbearing spouses, common criminals, arms dealers, and their officious boss Captain Anderson.
Directed by
Bill Fishman
Jeremy Piven
Herbert Hortz
Fran Drescher
Velma Velour
John C. McGinley
Officer Francis Muldoon
Rosie O'Donnell
Lucille Toody
Daniel Baldwin
Don Motti
Penn Jillette
Al Lewis
Leo Schnauzer
Tone Loc
David Johansen
Officer Gunther Toody
Nipsey Russell
Police Captain Dave Anderson
Ebbe Roe Smith
Coati Mundi
Mambo Singer
Bernie Worrell
Jackie Harris Greenberg
Woman In Slip
Steven Gallo
Kid in Chorus
Marc Marut
Kid In Chorus
Bradley Machry
Kid in Chorus
Danny Savovic
Kid in Chorus
Elena Kudaba
Mrs. Pirogi

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