Drama Romance Thriller
With strong suspicions that her husband is cheating on her, successful businesswoman Janvi begins an affair with her co-worker Aryan. But when Janvi decides that she's done fooling around, she learns her new lover has other ideas. Because Aryan doesn't want the relationship to end, he's willing to completely destroy the lives of Janvi and her husband to have his way.
Directed by
Ananth Narayan Mahadevan
Written by
S. Farhan
Shreyas Talpade
Dr. Aditya Merchant
Tusshar Kapoor
Aryan Mehta
Nauheed Cyrusi
Ritu - Jhanvi's assistant
Ananth Narayan Mahadevan
Udita Goswami
Jhanvi A. Merchant
Sophiya Chaudhary
Nisha Raval
Vikas Kalantri

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