Drama Crime
Ignored by his alcoholic parents, Jimmy Wilson starts hanging around with some shady characters. After falling in love with a lounge singer, Jimmy tries to impress her by doing jobs for her shady boss. After one of these jobs goes bad, Jimmy ends up on the run. Eventually, he must confront the truth, his past, and his parents. The judge cites parental neglect in the case of a teenager (John Miljan) charged with murder.
Directed by
Sam Newfield
George Meeker
Charles Blake
Edward Earle
Brooks Benedict
Pedestrian (uncredited)
Harold Miller
Cocktail Party Guest (uncredited)
Mauritz Hugo
Blake's Henchman
Vivienne Osborne
Mrs. Wilson
Bud Osborne
Mr. Carlton - the Clockmaker
Patricia Knox
Vera Moore
Mary Beth Hughes
Kitty Reed
Frank McLure
Cocktail Party Guest (uncredited)
John Miljan
Dan Wilson
Edward Biby
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Jack Chefe
Headwaiter (uncredited)
George Lloyd
Al Frazier
Pat Gleason
Blake's Henchman (uncredited)
Robert Lowell
James Wilson
Florence Johnson
Shirley Clark
Richard Bartell
Joe Holden
Robert Locke Lorraine
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Paul Power
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)

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