Comedy Sci-Fi Action Adventure
The year is 2055, and the universe is in a state of turmoil, awaiting the formation of a government that can establish universal peace. Until such a time, the Orion Union stands in its stead, an uneasy alliance made up not of planets, but of their individual states, overlorded by unruly gangs, short-sighted tyrants and hissing, domineering queens. In short, chaos reigns.
Directed by
Kartal Tibet
Written by
Murat Boyacioglu
Hakan Vanlı
Zafer Ergin
Sinem Kobal
Didem Erol
Burak Sergen
Bayazıt Gülercan
Orion Birliği Başkanı
İsmail İncekara
Burcu Kara
Prenses Maya
Cüneyt Arkın
Ferdi Kurtuldu
Ayşen Gruda
Günay Karacaoğlu
Deniz Seki
Veysel Diker
Mehmet Ali Erbil
Yavuz Seçkin
Ali Erkazan
Kazancı Cemal
Haldun Boysan
Burak Hakkı
Pascal Nouma
Alp Kırşan
Şebnem Schäfer
Misak Toros
Pakize Suda
Miraç Bayramoğlu

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