Drama Sci-Fi
A complex and fascinating experimental exploration of time and identity, Anti-Clock is a film of authentic, startling originality. Brilliantly mixing film and video techniques, Arden and Bond's paranoid, psychological surveillance study of a career gambler turned clairvoyant unstuck in time captures onscreen the anxieties that have infiltrated the consciousness of so many in Western society.
Directed by
Jane Arden, Jack Bond
Written by
Jane Arden
Richard Feynman
The Physicist
Jane Arden
Sebastian Saville
Joseph Sapha / Professor J.D. Zanof
Suzan Cameron
Alanda Clark, Sapha's Mother
Liz Saville
Sapha's Sister
Louise Temple
Madame Luisa Aranovitch
Gia-Fu Feng
T'ai Chi Master
Tom Gerrard
Poker Dealer

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