Romance Drama
Handsome but backward gardener Tim Melville has a new woman in his life. She is Mary, his widowed employer, a woman who had given up on love until she had found Tim. At first they are friends. But soon they become lovers, as Mary, drawn to Tim's innocence and magnetism, begins to teach him all about life - and love.
Directed by
Michael Pate
Mel Gibson
Tim Melville
Piper Laurie
Mary Horton
Deborah Kennedy
Dawnie Melville
Michael Pate
Peter Gwynne
Tom Ainsley
Pat Evison
Em Melville
Alwyn Kurts
Ron Melville
James Condon
Mr. Harrington
Allan Penney
Mr. Thompson
Brenda Senders
Mrs. Parker
Brian Barrie
Dr. Perkins
David Foster
Mick Harrington
Geoff Usher
Kevin Leslie
Margo Lee
Mrs. Harrington

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