Action Comedy
Seven characters, introduced at the start of the film, get thrown together into the same hotel room: a thief who's stolen a suitcase of money from the mob, his ex-girlfriend, her obsessive boyfriend, the mob soldier sent to retrieve the briefcase, another mobster sent to kill them, master voyeur Captain Banana and his new apprentice, The Mister Yellow. Who will end up with the money?
Directed by
Katsuhito Ishii
Written by
Katsuhito Ishii
Tadanobu Asano
Okita Souji
Yoshio Harada
Captain Banana
Masatoshi Nagase
Shunichirô Miki
Yoshinori Okada
Todohei Todohira
Tatsuya Gashûin
Yoshiyuki Morishita
Ren Osugi
Kanji Tsuda
Desk Clerk
Ryo Kase
Mini-market Employee
Keisuke Horibe
Shingo Sonoda
Yoji Tanaka
Yoneko Matsukane
Travel Agent
Akemi Kobayashi
Kana Mitsukoshi
Nobuto Okamoto
Ryûjirô Okita
Yôhachi Shimada
Boss Dezaki

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