Family Animation Comedy
Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty and Marcie travel to France as foreign exchange students. Also along is Snoopy and Woodstock. While everyone is excited about the opportunity to travel to a foreign country, Charlie is disturbed by a letter he receives from a mysterious girl from France who invites him as a her guest only to find that he does not seem welcomed to her Chateau.
Directed by
Phil Roman, Bill Melendez
Written by
Charles M. Schulz
Scott Beach
Waiter / Baron / Driver / Tennis Announcer / Others (voice)
Arrin Skelley
Charlie Brown (voice)
Daniel Anderson
Linus van Pelt (voice)
Laura Planting
Peppermint Patty (voice)
Casey Carlson
Marcie (voice)
Annalisa Bortolin
Sally Brown (voice)
Pascale De Barolet
Pierre (voice)
Roseline Rubens
Violette Honfleur (voice)

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