Comedy Drama Romance
After the death of his son, travel writer Macon Leary seems to be sleep walking through life. Macon's wife is having similar problems. They separate, and Macon meets a strange, outgoing woman who brings him 'back down to earth', but his wife soon thinks their marriage is still worth another try.
Directed by
Lawrence Kasdan
Geena Davis
Muriel Pritchett
Bill Pullman
Julian Hedge
John Malkovich
Kathleen Turner
Sarah Leary
Ed Begley Jr.
Charles Leary
William Hurt
Macon Leary
David Ogden Stiers
Porter Leary
Bradley Mott
Lucas Loomis
Walter Sparrow
Hot Dog Vendor
Robert Hy Gorman
Peggy Converse
Mrs. Barrett
Jonathan Kasdan
Boy at Doctor's Office
Amy Wright
Rose Leary
Audrey Rapoport
Girl on Plane
Bill Lee Brown
Morgue Detective #1
Seth Granger
Amanda Houck
Caroline Houck
London Nelson
Gregory Gouyer
Paris Boy
Donald Neal
Morgue Detective #2
Maureen Kerrigan
Laura Canfield
Paul Williamson
London Hotel Manager
David Q. Combs
Thomas Paolucci
Taunting Boy
Neana N. Collins
Taunting Girl
Roland Riallot
Paris Taxi Driver

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