Drama Thriller TV Movie
A prequel to "Stone Cold", the story picks up after Jesse Stone is fired from the Los Angeles Police Department. He becomes an unlikely candidate recruited by a town council to become police chief of Paradise, MA, a small fishing town on Boston's North Shore. The board hopes his failed experience will keep him from digging too deep into the town's secrets. His first assignment is to investigate the murder of his predecessor whose death may be tied to a local domestic disturbance case, with connections to money laundering and murder involving some of the town's most affluent names as possible suspects.
Directed by
Robert Harmon
Britt Robertson
Michelle Genest
Tom Selleck
Chief Jesse Stone
Viola Davis
Officer Molly Crane
Stephanie March
Cissy Hathaway
Stephen Baldwin
Joe Genest
Stephen McHattie
Captain Healy
Saul Rubinek
Hasty Hathaway
Mike Starr
Chief Lou Carson
Polly Shannon
City Atty. Abby Taylor
Kohl Sudduth
Officer Luther 'Suitcase' Simpson
Liisa Repo-Martell
Carole Genest
John Beale
Dr. Peter Perkins
Vito Rezza
Officer Anthony Deangelo
Anita Gnan
Maria Brooks
McKenzi Scott
Brian Jamieson
Truck Driver
Christie MacFadyen
Gil Anderson
Jenn Stone (voice)
Bill Meuse
Native Man #1
Agumeuay Nakanakis
Native Man #2
Mike Turner

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