Adventure Animation Fantasy Family
Based on the best-seller book 'The Little Prince', the movie tells the story of a little girl that lives with resignation in a world where efficiency and work are the only dogmas. Everything will change when accidentally she discovers her neighbor that will tell her about the story of the Little Prince that he once met.
Directed by
Mark Osborne
Written by
Mark Osborne
Paul Rudd
Mr. Prince (voice)
Rachel McAdams
The Mother (voice)
Marion Cotillard
The Rose (voice)
Jeff Bridges
The Aviator (voice)
James Franco
The Fox (voice)
Benicio del Toro
The Snake (voice)
Mackenzie Foy
The Little Girl (voice)
Paul Giamatti
The Academy Teacher (voice)
Ricky Gervais
The Conceited Man (voice)
Albert Brooks
The Businessman (voice)
Bud Cort
The King (voice)
Lou Romano
Riley Osborne
The Little Prince (voice)
Jacquie Barnbrook
The Nurse / The Worried Neighbor / The Snooty Panelist (voice)
Ed Buller
Marcel Bridges
The Concerned Neighbor (voice)
Jeffy Branion
The Policeman (voice)
Maddie Osborne
The Little Muse (voice)

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