Drama Sci-Fi
The world has finally managed to blow itself up and only Australia has been spared from nuclear destruction and a gigantic wave of radiation is floating in on the breezes. One American sub located in the Pacific has survived and is met with disdain by the Australians. The calculations of Australia's most renowned scientist says the country is doomed. However, one of his rivals says that he is wrong. He believes that a 1000 people can be relocated to the northern hemisphere, where his assumptions indicate the radiation levels may be lower. The American Captain is asked to take a mission to the north to determine which scientist is right.
Directed by
Russell Mulcahy
Rachel Ward
Moira Davidson
Nicholas Hammond
U.S. President
Armand Assante
Cmdr. Dwight Towers
Bryan Brown
Dr. Julian Osborne
Jacqueline McKenzie
Mary Davidson Holmes
Grant Bowler
Lt. Peter Holmes
Frederique Fouche
French Interviewer
Joe Petruzzi
Lt. Tony Garcia
Steve Bastoni
First Officer Neil Hirsch
Heather Mitchell
British Anchorwoman
Jon Stewart
Crewman Burns
Catherine Sutherland
Peter Mendoza
Boat Builder
Robert Rabiah
Cook Gratino
Michael Carman
U.S. Anchorman
Charles Tingwell
Professor Alan Nordstrum
Rod Mullinar
Admiral Jack Cunningham
Todd MacDonald
Radioman Giles
Bill Hunter
Prime Minister Seaton
Mark Mitchell
Kate Kendall
Jenny Albani
Martin Copping
David Argue
Jimmy Nofly
Mark Pennell
Charlie Clausen
Seaman Byers
Alyce Platt
Sharon Towers
Jonathan Oldham
Crewman Parsons
Trent Huen
Crewman Samuel Huynh
David Ross Paterson
Chief Wawrzeniak
Tieghan Webber
Jenny Holmes
Allison Webber
Jenny Holmes
Kevin Copeland
Sonarman Bobby Swain
Craig Beamer
Crewman Reid
Donni Frizzell
Crewman Rossi
Sam Loy
Seaman Sulman
Marc Carra
Cook Walmsey
Felicity Boyd
Lt. Ashton
John Higginson
Bruce Hughes
Press Secretary
David Tredinnick
U.S. Analyst
Antonia Murphy
Dinner Woman
Adam McKee
Dinner Man
Michael Fry
School Teacher
Jennifer Castles
Post Mistress
Madeline Cenedese
Angela Towers
Darren Casha
Cal Towers
Tom Considine
Hospital Doctor
Warwick Begg
Overcliff Father
Sandra Murphy
Overcliff Mother
Carlie Murphy
Overcliff Girl
John Murphy
Overcliff Boy
Robert Lowe
Submarine Guard
Rachel Valentyne
Café Girl
Christian Bell
Café Guy #1
Julie Day
Screaming Woman
Naomi Ramos
Girl in Lane Way
Jorge Onasis
Guy in Lane Way
Nina Godinbo
Girl with Dog
Christopher Cummins
Trent Baker
Stephanie Chen
Simon Lyssiotis
Homeless Youth
Davini Malcolm
Australian News Anchor
Chris Sutherland
Steve Syson
Navy crewman
Nancy Black

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