Animation Family
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
Directed by
Richard Rich
Cam Clarke
Simon / Guard (voice)
Robert Axelrod
Bartholomew (voice)
Gregory Snegoff
Caiaphas (voice)
Ivan Crosland
Jesus (voice)
Stephen Cracroft
James (voice)
David Jensen
Centurian (voice)
Lisa Michelson
Daniel (voice)
Maikel Bailey
Pilate (voice)
Jayne Luke
Mary Magdalene (voice)
John A. Nicolaysen
Peter (voice)
John Runnels
John (voice)
Tim Eisenhart
Matthew (voice)
Tom Cowan
Philip (voice)
Linda Bishop
Martha (voice)
Diane Woodhouse
Mary (voice)
Wayne Richards
Joseph of Arimathea (voice)
Bryce Spencer
Nicodemus (voice)
Richard Blair
Guard (voice)
Don Bishop
Narrator (voice)

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