Western Romance Drama
Wyatt Earp and his brothers Morgan and Virgil ride into Tombstone and leave brother James in charge of their cattle herd. On their return they find their cattle stolen and James dead. Wyatt takes on the job of town marshal, making his brothers deputies, and vows to stay in Tombstone until James' killers are found. He soon runs into the brooding, coughing, hard-drinking Doc Holliday as well as the sullen and vicious Clanton clan. Wyatt discovers the owner of a trinket stolen from James' dead body and the stage is set for the Earps' long-awaited revenge.
Directed by
John Ford
Henry Fonda
Wyatt Earp
Victor Mature
Dr. John 'Doc' Holliday
Ward Bond
Morgan Earp
Grant Withers
Ike Clanton
Walter Brennan
Old Man Clanton
John Ireland
Billy Clanton
Linda Darnell
Cathy Downs
Clementine Carter
Jane Darwell
Kate Nelson
Francis Ford
Dad - Old Soldier (uncredited)
Louis Mercier
François - the Chef (uncredited)
Mae Marsh
Simpson's Sister (uncredited)
Jack Pennick
Stagecoach Driver (uncredited)
Ruth Clifford
Opera House Patron (uncredited)
Jack Curtis
Bartender (uncredited)
Kermit Maynard
Barfly (uncredited)
Roy Roberts
Arthur Walsh
Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Tim Holt
Virgil Earp
Frank Ellis
Barfly (uncredited)
James Dime
Vaquero (uncredited)
Jack Kenny
Barfly (uncredited)
Earle Foxe
Gambler (uncredited)
Don Barclay
Opera House Owner (uncredited)
J. Farrell MacDonald
Mac the barman
Robert Adler
Stagecoach Driver (uncredited)
Alan Mowbray
Granville Thorndyke
Russell Simpson
John Simpson
Harry Woods
Luke (uncredited)
Mickey Simpson
Sam Clanton (uncredited)
William B. Davidson
Saloon Owner (uncredited)
Hank Bell
Opera House Patron (uncredited)
Fred Libby
Phin Clanton (uncredited)
Charles Stevens
Indian Charlie (uncredited)
Tex Cooper
Townsman (uncredited)
Tex Driscoll
Townsman (uncredited)
C.E. Anderson
Townsman (uncredited)
Jack Montgomery
Faro Dealer (uncredited)
Duke R. Lee
Townsman (uncredited)
Danny Borzage
Accordionist (uncredited)
Frank Conlan
Pianist (uncredited)
Don Garner
James Earp (uncredited)
Ben Hall
Barber (uncredited)
Aleth Hansen
Guitarist (uncredited)
Margarita Martín
Woman (uncredited)

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