Comedy Drama Romance
Jin-hyeok opens a cake shop in an old antique shop, hiring Seon-woo, Korea's best pastry chef, who fell in love with him in high school. Also there, are Su-young, crushing on Seon-woo, ex-boxer Ki-beom, and Seon-woo's French ex-boyfriend.
Directed by
Min Kyu-dong
Written by
Min Kyu-dong
Yeo Jin-goo
Young Kim Jin-hyuk
Kim Gyu-ri
Jin-hyuk's Girlfriend 4
Kim Chang-wan
White Beard
Kim Jae-wook
Min Sun-woo
Ju Ji-hoon
Kim Jin-hyuk
Ko Chang-seok
Gay Club Master
Yoo Ah-in
Yang Gi-beom
Lee Joo-sil
Jin-hyuk's Grandmother
Jeon Hye-jin
Boxer's Girlfriend
Park Hyeok-kwon
Gay Club Man
Seo Young-hee
Jin-hyuk's Girlfriend 3
Kwon Tae-won
Chief Huh
Jo An
Jin-hyuk's Girlfriend 1
Andy Gillet
Jean-Baptiste Evan
Jo Hee-bong
Lee Yeong-jin
Jin-hyuk's Girlfriend 2
Lee Hwi-hyang
White Beard's Wife
Park Jun-myun
Nam Myung-ryeol
Mr. Chun
Oh Mi-hee
Jin-hyuk's Mother
Moon Hee-kyung
Choi Ji-ho
Nam Su-young
Lee Eung-jae
Taxi Couple Man
Jo Soo-bin
News Anchor
Sohn Mi-na
News Anchor

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