Comedy Horror Sci-Fi
Following his forced retirement from an appalling rock band, Jason decides to vacation at Brittlehouse Manor, a health farm run by the leather-gloved, ex-Nazi scientist Dr. Storm. Along the way, Jason meets Judy, also on her way to Brittlehouse Manor to visit her aunt, who married Dr. Storm some years ago. Once they arrive, the pair realise rather quickly that something is wrong, probably because the other guests have had their brains surgically removed, or all the blood pouring from the sink, or possibly just because the creepy midget keeps telling them to brush their teeth.
Directed by
Antony Balch
Michael Gough
Dr. Christian Storm
Dennis Price
Mr. Pollack
Robin Askwith
Jason Jones
Kenneth Benda
Ellen Pollock
Olga ("Aunt Harris")
Skip Martin
Vanessa Shaw
Judy Peters
Kurt Christian
Abraham Warren
Barbara Wendy
George Herbert
Laboratory Assistant

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