Fantasy Comedy Romance
Louie Jeffries is happily married to Corinne. On their first anniversary, Louie is killed crossing the road. Louie is reincarnated as Alex Finch, and twenty years later, fate brings Alex and Louie's daughter, Miranda, together. It's not until Alex is invited to Louie's home that he begins to remember his former life, wife and best friend. Of course, there's also the problem that he's attracted to Louie's/his own daughter.
Directed by
Emile Ardolino
Robert Downey Jr.
Alex Finch
Christopher McDonald
Louie Jeffries
Josef Sommer
Judge Fenwick
Cybill Shepherd
Corinne Jeffries
Mary Stuart Masterson
Miranda Jeffries
Kathleen Freeman
Mrs. Handy
Richard DeAngelis
Hot Dog Vendor
Mimi Kennedy
Ryan O'Neal
Philip Train
Marc McClure
Susan Ruttan
Woman in the Bookstore
Fran Ryan
Mavis Talmadge
Channing Chase
Aide at Smithsonian
James Noble
Dr. Bailey
Dennis Patrick
Archibald Blair
Joe Grifasi
Miranda Garrison
Gianni Russo
Anthony Bonino
Martin Garner
Mr. Zellerbach
Henderson Forsythe
Ben Bradlee
Corey Michael Eubanks
Lester Lanin
Franchelle Stewart Dorn
Jacquelyn Drake
Bradlee's Secretary
Don Richards
Bonino's Defense Attorney
June Thorne
Clerk of the Court
Nat Benchley
Cliff McMullen
Carey Hauser
Laura Cordova
Paramedic (as Laura Lee Stetzel)
Max Trumpower
First Minister
Dennis Mancini
Second Minister
Margi Holland
Limbodrome Staff
Katie Schwarz
Limbodrome Staff
Andrew Reilly
Limbodrome Staff
Gillian Doyle
Woman (uncredited)
Bettina M. Johnson
Dancer (uncredited)
Scout Raskin
Girl On Carousel (uncredited)
Maurice Schwartzman
Dancer (uncredited)

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