Romance Thriller Drama
A female research scientist conducting experiments on a new anesthetic has a very bad week. Her scheming assistant intentionally scars her face, her almost-fiancee appears to have deserted her and she finds herself being blackmailed by a women she accidentally knocked down with her car.
Directed by
Anthony Mann
Brenda Marshall
Nora Goodrich
Mary Treen
Talkative nurse
Harry 'Snub' Pollard
Taxi driver (uncredited)
H.B. Warner
Dr. Mansfield, plastic surgeon
Hal Taggart
Suspicious Man at Airport (uncredited)
Hillary Brooke
Arline Cole
Lyle Talbot
Insp. Malloy, chief interrogator
Ruth Ford
Jane Karaski #1
Forrest Taylor
Nora's Doctor (uncredited)
George Chandler
J W Rinse, plaintiffs' atty.
William Gargan
Dr. Stephen Lindstrom
Frank O'Connor
Doctor at Nora's Presentation (uncredited)
Cay Forester
Miss Roper, interrogation witness
Dick Scott
James Conaty
Doctor at Nora's Presentation (uncredited)
Charles Ferguson
Man at Accident (uncredited)

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