Drama Romance
John, an ambitious but undisciplined New York City office worker, meets and marries Mary. They start a family, struggle to cope with marital stress, financial setbacks, and tragedy, all while lost amid the anonymous, pitiless throngs of the big city.
Directed by
King Vidor
Eleanor Boardman
Mary Sims
James Murray
John 'Johnny' Sims
Warner Richmond
Mr. Sims (uncredited)
Larry Steers
Doctor at Hospital (uncredited)
Sidney Bracey
John's Supervisor (uncredited)
Lucy Beaumont
Mary's Mother
Dell Henderson
Bert Roach
Estelle Clark
Johnny Downs
John, age 12 (uncredited)
Sally Eilers
Party Girl at Bert's Place (uncredited)
Joseph W. Girard
Member of Board of Directors (uncredited)
Chris-Pin Martin
Worker in Hallway (uncredited)
Virginia Sale
Mary's Sister-in-Law (uncredited)
Pat Harmon
Truck Driver (uncredited)
Freddie Burke Frederick
John 'Junior' Sims
Daniel G. Tomlinson
Alice Mildred Puter
Sims Daughter
Roy Bloss
Boy on Fence (uncredited)

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