Animation Comedy Drama
An "underground" cartoonist contends with life in the inner city, where various unsavory characters serve as inspiration for his artwork.
Directed by
Ralph Bakshi
Frank De Kova
Angelo "Angie" Corleone (voice)
Michael Brandon
Jamie Farr
Arcade Owner
Kim Hamilton
Lee Weaver
Candy Candido
The Mafia Messenger (voice)
Helene Winston
Lillian Adams
Rosa (voice)
Peter Hobbs
Jerry (voice)
Robert Easton
John Bleifer
Walt Gorney
Bum (uncredited)
Charles Gordone
Crazy Moe (voice)
Mary Dean Lauria
Molly (voice)
Joseph Kaufmann
Michael Corleone
Beverly Hope Atkinson
Terry Haven
Ida Corleone (voice)
Jacqueline Mills
Rosalyn Schecter (voice)
Morton Lewis
Bill Striglos
Jay Lawrence
Phyllis Thompson
Carol Graham
William Keene
Jimmy Bates
Snowflake (voice)

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