Drama Comedy
The long-awaited sequel to Boys Briefs, the successful compilation of six outstanding short films about gay first love. Hosted by DANNY ROBERTS, star of MTV's THE REAL WORLD NEW ORLEANS. Films included are: Doors Cut Down [En malas compañías] (2000); Chicken (2001); Back Room (1999); Breakfast [Frühstück] (2002); Touch (2001); and Take-Out (2000)
Directed by
Barry Dignam, Jean-François Monette, Jeremy Podeswa, Antonio Hens, Alexander Pfeuffer, Guillem Morales
Brendan Fletcher
Foster Father (segment "Touch")
Andrew Moodie
Hospital Staff (segment "Touch")
Aron Tager
Trick 1 (segment "Touch")
Fiona Highet
Nurse (segment "Touch")
Linda Griffiths
Mother (segment "Touch")
Daniel MacIvor
Doctor (segment "Touch")
Pablo Puyol
Asier (segment "Doors cut down")
Israel Rodríguez
Guillermo (segment "Doors cut down")
Danny Roberts
Himself - Presenter
Caroline Azar
Hospital Staff (segment "Touch")
Gwen Bailey
Patient (segment "Touch")
Paul Bettis
Hospital Staff (segment "Touch")
Martha Ferguson
Narrator / Victim (segment "Touch")
David Gardner
Mother (segment "Touch")
Cassandra Hanrahan
Hospital Staff (segment "Touch")
Mark Harapiak
Hospital Staff (segment "Touch")
Emily Herstun
Patient (segment "Touch")
Randy Hughson
Lover (segment "Touch")
Sherrie Johnson
Teacher (segment "Touch")
Jacoba Knaapen
Foster Mother (segment "Touch")
Milo Puerta
Young Boy (segment "Touch")
Diego Shea
John (segment "Touch")

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