Adventure Comedy
Haunted by recurring dreams of Hea-Thor, a gorgeous cavegirl,and a menacing Allosaurus, action-movie star Tony Markham soon finds himself transported, by means of a magic Icon, back through time to Dinosaur Valley. Now trapped in world of dangerous dinosaurs, grunting cavemen and a tribe of exotic, love-starved cavegirls, Tony must put his modern-days skills to extreme tests in order to survive prehistoric perils, win the cavegirl of his dreams and (maybe) return to his own time?
Directed by
Donald F. Glut
Griffin Drew
Daphne Adrian
Karen Black
Ed Fury
William Marshall
Dr. Benjamin Michaels
Jeff Rector
Tony Markham
Donna Spangler
Forrest J. Ackerman
Kevin Glover
Harrison Ray
Sensei / Beeg-Mak
Beth Landau
Audrey Benedict
Carrie Vanston
Karen Forster
Denise Ames

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