Comedy Crime
Coming out from jail, Lucas has decided to change his life and behave like a good citizen. But when he is taken hostage in a bank by a hare-brained robber, no cops can believe he is not part of the action.
Directed by
Francis Veber
Written by
Francis Veber
Gérard Depardieu
Jean Lucas
Pierre Richard
François Pignon
Anaïs Bret
Jeanne Pignon, daughter of François
Maurice Barrier
Superintendent Duroc
Pierre Berriau
Jean Carmet
Doctor Martin, veterinarian
Michel Blanc
Doctor Bourdarias
Arno Klarsfeld
Reporter interviewing Lucas
Isabelle Renauld
Jean Benguigui
Labib, bar boss
Stéphane Boucher
Policeman in the van
Pierre Belot
Pamela Stanford
Woman at clinic reception
Yveline Ailhaud
Jacqueline Noëlle
Roland Blanche
Idriss, Labib's henchman
Eric Averlant
Bartender of Café du rond-point
Christian Sinniger
Policeman at police station
Patrick Bonnel
Patrick Massieu
Policeman at police station
Michel Bompoil
Yves Elliot
Jean-Pierre Becker
Didier Pain
Policeman with dog
Philippe Lelièvre
Deputy of Duroc
Jacques Pratoussy
Guy Louret
Marc-André Brunet
Philippe Jourde
Marc Adjadj
Alain Algara
Michel Berto
Slimane Bouderhem
Pulcher Castan
Daniel Dhubert
Maurice Gelaude
André Julien
Guy Labadens
Gérard Laurent
Bernard Lepinaux
Marie-José Llano
Marc Ossona
Raymond Paquet
Patrick Pattern
Jérôme Sarrazin
Hélène Schulz
Gérard Zalcberg
Daniel Villattes

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