Comedy Fantasy
Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a child of their own more than anything else in the world. Years of trying, however, have left them with nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in the spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?
Directed by
Javier Fesser
Written by
Guillermo Fesser, Javier Fesser
Emilio Gavira
Marcianito 2 (El Teniente)
Janfri Topera
Goizalde Núñez
Olivia joven
Luchi López
Madre de Joselito
Eduardo Gómez
Carlos Lucas
Pietro Olivera
Cura suplente / Cocinero Bailarín
Luis Ciges
P. Tinto
Bruto Pomeroy
Padre en gasolinera
Silvia Casanova
Pablo Pinedo
Ricardo Arroyo
Agente inmobiliario
Javier Aller
Marcianito 1 (José Ramón)
Nuria González
Pepe Viyuela
Manikomien Direktorr
Janusz Ziemniak
Apenao / Bartolo
P. Tinto joven
Andrés Calamardo
P. Tinto niño
Tomás Sáez
Padre Marciano
Sonia Calamardo
Olivia niña
Manuel Román
Profesor cursillos
Montse G. Romeu
Profesora cursillos
Juan Manuel Chiapella
P. Pinto Original

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