Comedy Thriller
The movie revolves around the incidents that happen within a time span of 24 hours. Neil John Samuel (Fahadh Faasil) is the sales manager of Benz showroom. He gets a bag of money, while he returns home after the New Year party. The bag and the money originally belongs to a wealthy businessman Issac Aanakkadan (Renji Panicker), who intends to buy some precious diamonds from a group of people. Issac begin the mission to get back his lost money. At the same time, notorious goon Makudi Das (Joju George) and his group follows Neil to steal the money from him. Neil, who realizes that somebody is following him and the money in his hands, elopes to a remote village of Tamil Nadu in a truck. Rest forms the crux of the story.
Directed by
Santhosh Nair
Written by
Anil Narayanan
Fahadh Faasil
Neil John Samuel
Joju George
Makudi Das
Nivetha Thomas
Pia Mammen
Renji Panicker
Isaac Anakkadan
Kochu Preman
Sunil Sukhada
Leema Babu
Dinesh Prabhakar
Sasi Kalinga
Balu Varghese
Joppa's son
Ambika Mohan
Chembil Ashokan
Reena Basheer
Salomi Issac
Archana Menon
Neil's mother

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