Drama Thriller
Once a promising writer, John Hayson now gets by on the odd writing job. Hayson tries to right old wrongs and get his life back on track. However, life has other plans, and he realizes that the past is best laid to rest or it might haunt you forever. He soon finds himself embroiled in a nightmarish brew of deceit, passion and murder.
Directed by
Jack Ersgard
Written by
Jack Ersgard, Jesper Ersgård
Matthew Settle
Currie Graham
Fay Masterson
Ola Rapace
Paul Satterfield
Pernilla August
Jay Acovone
Siena Goines
Michael Wiseman
Jennifer Jostyn
Jarmo Mäkinen
Matthew Allen
Patrik Ersgård
Yun Choi
Alex Zonn
Daniela Svensson
Felix Engström
Richard Froelich

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