Drama War
A small British army team is sent deep behind enemy lines to destroy a German petrol dump as part of the preparation for a major attack in the North African campaign. Sea of Sand was distributed in the US in a shortened version, Desert Patrol.
Directed by
Guy Green
Barry Foster
Cpl. Matheson
Richard Attenborough
Vincent Ball
Sgt Nesbitt
Michael Craig
Cpt Cotton
Andrew Faulds
Sgt. Parker
Ray McAnally
Sgt. Hardy
Percy Herbert
Martin Benson
German Half-track Officer
Harold Goodwin
Road Watch
Dermot Walsh
Commanding Officer
John Gregson
Cpt Williams
George Murcell
Cpl. Simms
Tony Thawnton
Capt. Tom
Wolf Frees
German Sergeant
George Mikell
German Officer
Joe Wadham

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