Thriller Action Drama
Following the events of the first part, Mansour Al-Hefni escapes from prison and reunites with his son Ali and brother to return to the island to recover what they have lost. Mansour must stand against his old love Karima while the leader of the travelers tribe Sheikh Jaafar enters the conflict for rulership
Directed by
Sherif Arafa
Written by
Mohamed Diab, Khaled Diab, Sherine Diab
Hend Sabry
Ahmed Malek
Ali Mansour el hefny
Hamza Elely
Khaled Saleh
Ahmed El Sakka
Mansour el hefny
Sami Maghouri
Arwa Gouda
Khalil Morsi
Khaled El Sawy
Mohamed Adel
Mohamed Al Tagy
Sulafa Ghanem
Gamil Barsoum
Nasser Shaheen
Hanan Youssef
Esam Al Saqqa
Ahmed Abdallah Mahmoud
Mohamed Abu ElWafa
Karim Dossoqi
Mai El Gheity
Nedal Al Shafey
Bakri Khaled
Mohammed Elshershaby
Mostafa Abdel Salam

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