Drama Thriller Mystery
This drama is an updated version of Ulmer's 1944 film Bluebeard. It is set in New York and follows the exploits of an eccentric Parisian painter who has come to New York to escape a controversy surrounding his work. The trouble stems when the model he has used in all his work is found floating dead in the Seine.
Directed by
Wilhelm Thiele
Written by
Wilhelm Thiele, Bradbury Foote
John Litel
Lt. Roberts
Will Wright
The Riverman
John Hamilton
Pierre Watkin
District Attorney
Ann Rutherford
Linda 'Morgan' North
Edward Ashley
John Earl
Geraldine Wall
Miss Joyce
Leona Roberts
Mrs. Corbin
Gail Patrick
Ella Randolph
Francis Lederer
James Harlan Corbin
Michael St. Angel
Hunt Mason (as Michael Hawks)
Clifford Brooke
Mr. Hadley
Linda Stirling
Helen North

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