Animation Family Comedy
A special yuletide collection of classic moments with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Chip 'n' Dale, Cruella De Vil and many other Disney favourites. The movie contains: Mickey's Mixed Nuts (2000), A Christmas Cruella (1997), Snow Place To Hide (1996) and of course the ever so funny classic, Toy Tinkers (1949) starring Chip and Dale in a battle against Donald.
Directed by
Kurt Anderson, Jack Hannah
Written by
Dean Stefan, Milt Banta, Harry Reeves
Kath Soucie
Daisy Duck (voice)
Frank Welker
Knuckles (voice)
Pamela Adlon
Dewey Duck (voice)
Elizabeth Daily
Louie Duck (voice)
Russi Taylor
Minnie Mouse (voice)
Wayne Allwine
Mickey Mouse (voice)
Tony Anselmo
Donald Duck (voice)
Roger Rose
Kent Powers (voice)
Clarence Nash
Donal Duck (voice)
James MacDonald
Chip (voice)
Jeannie Elias
Huey Duck (voice)
Dessie Flynn
Dale (voice)

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