Action Adventure Fantasy
At the beginning of the 1990s, famous tomb explorer Hu Bayi decided to retire and move to the United States with his girlfriend Shirley. But before his wedding, Bayi discovers his first love Ding Shitian, who supposedly had died in the "One Hundred Cave" 20 years ago, is actually still alive. Together with Shirley and his old exploration partner, Bayi unravels a terrible millennium-old secret...
Directed by
Shu Qi
Shirley Yang
Ding Shitian
Huang Bo
Wang Kaixuan
Liu Xiaoqing
Ying Caihong
Yu Xia
Cherry Ngan
Chen Kun
Hu Baiyi
Wang Qing
Prisoner Cai Xia
Jonathan Kos-Read
Gu Zheng
The Relocated Woman
Kevin Lee
Sandra Gumuzzio
Street Performer
Lorie Kellogg
Jiani Lu
Educated Youth Dujuan
Wang Yunfan
Convict Zhang Yong
Marianna German
Pedestrian C
Nesha Ward
Undercover Officer
Atsuji Matsuda
Army Zombie Officer

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